When I was reading it, I can easily imaging how they communicate with each other and why they were doing so. At that certain age, I guess girls all seem to be dramatic. We think we are different, unique. We think something special happened to us, or we look for something special and make it happen to us. In the comic, either Lisa, Kim, or Julie, they all think the world is going around them, they just showed it in different way. Kim tried to be a witch to show her difference from others, and she always think other girls are "stupid", all the things they did were "stupid". She tried to avoid to be similar as others. At the mean time, she doesn't want to stand out either. She just want to be a "cool girl". I think it's because she is afraid to get hurt from others. She had such an awful experience that being invited to the party dressing like a bear, but end up being left outside of the house in the dark. I believe this experience affected her badly, which made her not trust others anymore. That's why when Ms. Archer showed her friendliness to Kim, she felt so happy and over estimate about the "happy ending".
If it's a Japanese comic, those girls will be more romantic, and there will always be a special ending. However, although I'm a big fan of Japanese comic, I also like Skim, because it's such a realistic comic and everyone can find their shadows somewhere in the painting. We all had similar experience like that, maybe not that dramatic, without those experience, we wouldn't become the person as we are. Skim reminds us the time we experienced those confusions. It might not be the most wonderful time, but it's always the most memorable one for every body.
We think something special happened to us, or we look for something special and make it happen to us....I really like this quote from your post. You sum up adolescence well.